THE most gorgeous thing about spring, and England, is the bluebell woods. Lately I have walked in them -

been photographed in them (dressed for mud underfoot and the possibility of rainstorms)

and come upon them unexpectedly while driving -

Though their blueness doesn't come through properly in photographs, perhaps they look their best when rain darkens the trunks of the beech trees --

There are even bluebells in central London -
What great photos. I've been visiting the Devon bluebells.
We used to live near the most sepctacular bluebell woods. I miss them at this time of year. As a matter of interest, where were the photos taken?
Clare, the top pix are near Tunbridge Wells and next two are near Great Bledwyn in Wiltshire. And just for completeness, the bottom one is Gordon Square, Bloomsbury, which is currently heaving with students taking a break from revising for university exams.
Lovely!! I have these in my garden too. They were here when we bought this place and I've left them, though some people have said they are weeds! Sure they spread but I think they are a gift. Not blooming here yet though with our cold spring.
beautiful,I love to see them when we travel round the country
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