Nearly gave up on this one - the individual hexagons took forever to cut -

but evenutally they were all pinned in place

and then held down by little cross-stitches, some yellow, some orange -

At last, time to put it under the machine -

Then, french knots added to intersections where there weren't already cross-stitches:

Finally, the narrowest binding possible, 1/4" of doubled black sheer. Next time, I'll add a layer of tulle before machining. But as this was so fiddly, a "next time" is in doubt!
An interesting take on hexagons (I'm doing a traditional one by hand - heaven knows why LOL)
Very pretty, very effective, though.
Beautiful! And a great idea.
It looks like waterlily leaves in a pond. Is that what you intended, or a happy "accident"? I love it.
It looked pretty good with just the cross stitches, but then, it just got better and better.
I truly love how this turned out-stunning. great color combinations
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