Another day of "mixed media" - but with the starting point of "a state of mind" (angry, confused, content, wistful, frustrated - etc etc etc - hard to choose!). And we were given the task of representing, in different drawings, all sorts of things - line, mark, tone, colour, space, weight, volume, form, shape, time...etc.
My "word for 2009" -- intent -- fit the "state of mind" part of the brief. For example, being intent on soaking up the excess ink (a technique I'll keep in mind for making "
electrophoresis" patterns) --

And a lot of stabbing (intently) at the paper with an almost-dry bristly brush made this feathery edge - another technique that might come in handy later -

People brought bagsful of media to mix -

I tried to keep it simple and ended up with this display (and a few rejects). Left to right, the top row represents form (the white shapes are on a transparent overlay), quantity (one!), line, and mark; 2nd row sound (echo), tone, substance, light;
3rd row: weight, movement, time, gravity.
"Time" uses a bit of intensive stitching (prepared earlier) - there's lots of time inherent in that.
Discovered in a magazine in the library at lunchtime - Barnet Newman's 1968 "Lace Curtain for Mayor Daley" (of Chicago).

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