Little Gems website has gone live at - so let's all get busy making little quiltlets! They have to be A4 size (approx. 8 1/2" x 11 1/2"), three layers joined by stitch - but can be any materials, any method. They are for a tombola at the Festival of Quilts - raising funds to support Europe's only
quilt museum, in York.

These are my journal quilts made over the past 2 years. About half the A4 quilts at the top are destined for the tombola.
Also, I've made a decision not to enter a big quilt into Festival of Quilts this year. That takes off a bit of pressure! (I don't have any bigger quilts under construction.) All my quilting energies will be going into Little Gems.
1 comment:
Hi Margaret:
When will we see a little quilt done for Abstract Challenge? I love your drawings ... I'm happy drawing and doing colour studies.
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