Setting up - note the (almost) pristine palette -

My reference photos for Mr Fox dragging the unfortunate young woman, and Lady Mary peeking out to see the scene -

The actors' own interpretations of what was wanted were important in getting a fresh perspective on how the picture might take shape.
In the first half of the class I used another low-level pose that had Lady Mary's head appearing between Mr Fox's legs, but by the time the other lady got into the picture, it got very crowded!

So after the break, Lady Mary changed position, to hide around a corner and behind a chair -

Note the messy palette at this stage. I'm not happy with the sludgy colours - and next week we'll be doing colour mixing. In the meantime, we're to look out for paintings we like the colours in. Fortunately I still have a huge backlog of art magazines that need going through before recycling.
Plus I'll be looking for reference pictures of frilly shirts, boots with spurs, swords, etc etc...
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