Remember when we photocopied copies of copies, until they went all grainy and interesting? Photocopiers today are just too good - it's hard to get that kind of distortion. Not sure how I'll use this - as a japanese-binding type of book, probably. I like that the writing/drawing gets "worn off" with repetition...

"blanket for a night sail through the archipelago" - or whatever it will finally be called - is taking a bit more shape, with some of the porcelain bits going on one side and some on the other - held on with beads -

But after working on that for the allotted hour, things fell apart - I wanted to print, using stamps I made a while ago, but had forgotten exactly why I needed more print fabric... tried the stamps out any way - perhaps these bits will come in useful -

At the end, using up the excess paint in the sponge brush, some "clouds" appeared - the palette knife added the slashes of rain - the paint soaks in as it dries. This might become a 7x10 journal quilt -

All in all, I feel a bit discouraged and disoriented. Time to get out into the world and see some fresh things, an exhibition or two, or just walk in the park. Hey, it's the weekend!
All of the work you show in this post looks very interesting, especially the photocopies. To me the photocopies beg to be turned into stitch with as many colours of grey as you can find.
Oh yes easier than when the monks had to copie everything by hand. But the beauty is not the same at all.
Hello from Switzerland
Go, please to my japane blog. You will see *Shibori*. But later in Nagoya as well in museum-shop.
I Had put aswell beautiful old beads I never would have to dreams to see on day. Had seen them in books.
Hope you don't get too discouraged - it's so difficult to be experimental and creative when you're up against it. I'm amazed what you've achieved so far.
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