Why "occupied"?
Well, just because ... it's something a little different.
The occupant can be a person, a cushion, a pile of books, a pet, etc - or, an absence ... leaving the chair seemingly empty...
To get in the mood for "Chairs ... again?" I've been going through previous sketchbooks and finding those drawn in museums etc. They appear on 21 pages among my seven "drawing tuesday" sketchbooks. Some of them are now on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/CE2EcQIlYDQ/ - use the arrows on the photo to see all ten.
There are many "iconic" chairs - every designer must design a chair, and many are looking good - https://www.gq.com/story/the-12-most-iconic-chairs-of-all-time . The "10 most famous chairs in history" may amuse you ... https://ottawacarpetclean.com/10-famous-chairs-history/ (btw Sir John A Macdonald is a famous Canadian, a Father of Confederation - and Ottawa is the capital of Canada)
When drawing chairs - perspective can be a problem. Will all the legs be in the right place? Looking at the negative space can be helpful, as can closing one eye, so the legs don't change position..
A google search shows over a million videos on drawing chairs! I gave up after watching two short, but poor, videos - you may have better luck....
From Sylvia - Two occupied chairs, one today and one I did earlier (1982)! The cats come and go and although similar, so do the chairs.
From Hazel - My granddaughter came to draw with me last Saturday. As she was drawing, I drew her sitting on my fold-up chair in the studio. It was a great opportunity to draw her even though you can't see much of the chair! As you can see I had to keep adding sheets of paper to fit it all in!
From Ann - Lunch at Korto in Muswell Hill outside and so I thought 'occupied chairs' and got stuck in sketching this couple with their dog outside. Enjoyable observing ...
From Carol - a chair occupied by Tubby Bear and Goldie
From Judith - Not time to sit but allowed photos to be taken!
From Mags - Ian at work at his computer sitting on his expensive but necessary adjustable office chair. In haste using Photoshop filters as I should be tidying my studio and making masks...
From Janet B - Miss Molloy in one of her favourite basking spots - a rickety plastic garden chair. I love drawing chairs but I’m not so keen on drawing cats and I usually give up in despair. This is one of my better efforts.
From Jackie - garden chair ….pastels and charcoal…
rather a challenge attempting the proportions and perspective aargh...
but nice to spend the afternoon in the garden with good weather.
From Sue S - This is from a photo - not had time to set up as things a tad chaotic.
From Jo - The chair is the one my mother sat in for food and crosswords. It's not quite such a hideous colour - dark chocolate brown. The chairback i a piece of crochet by her mother in some 'ecr' silky thread. The cushion is an ex-sampler - possibly real. And wood is ?teak coloured.
From Sue B - .could not get the circle right on the perspective of this much loved leather and wooden legs and arm supports nineteenth century library chair
From Gillian - A visitor !
And from me - Not much this week! Because of emergency granny duty I spent the morning with the poorly grandbaby instead of quietly drawing. Poorly or not, she rushed about, but she did sit still in her chair while having lunch (it was good to see she had regained her appetite) which gave a few moments to "capture" the scene -
- and during nap time (for both of us!), Dolly was the stand-in at the photoshoot.
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