05 July 2019

Games we play...

The name of today's game was "fooling yourself into doing a little housework".

On getting home, hungry, I put some smoked mackerel on brown bread and sat down in the midst of unnoticed chaos to have it, along with a glass of IPA. "Very brown, this food" - that thought got me looking at not just the food but the setting, and that made the "brown thought" even more depressing...
So I made a salad as second course and before sitting down with it [delicious!], cleared the area somewhat -
You can see that the dining table too was very cluttered, too much so for eating at it - I had planned to print woodblocks this afternoon, but didn't get home till evening, so there they still were, waiting.

Instead of leaving it all out, ready for printing first thing in the morning, I "tidied up for the weekend" before getting out the third course -
The tidy-up took about 15 minutes in all (some sorting was involved), and to sit with fruit and cheese and the rest of the IPA without clutter was such a treat! (Why don't I do this more often? Why don't I keep it this way?)

Further reward was this lovely sunset -


irene macwilliam said...

an interesting post on your thought processes and how strongly you take in visual info, love the reference to the brownness. (?sp)

I do know the feeling of being overwhelmed by stuff as one tries to get on with the most normal of things

patty a. said...

My sister and her husband were in the area for her class reunion. I invited them over to the house for a visit and that caused me to get motivated to clean house. I spent two hours on my knees giving the kitchen floor the scrubbing it had been needing for a long time. So if you want to get motivated to clean have a party or invite friends over. That definitely gets me moving! LOL!!! Keeping the orderliness up - well, that is a different animal that I have not been able to slay either. My kitchen floor is still clean, but there is a pile of dishes in the sink - ugh!