29 November 2009

Sculpture week 10

Stopping the wobble will take a lot of drilling. (And I'll get rid of that "hammock" thing.) The L-plates will brace the uprights and their weight will lower the centre of gravity.
The stones on the bottom will also help hold it down.
But the cloth was greeted with shrieks of horror - and I immediately saw why; it looked "like a shop display" - no, we don't want that! This version is better -
And, finally, out into the display area it went.

Then, on with trying out some other media for the little houses - this is my first encounter with balsa wood - you can carve it with a scalpel, lots of fun -
The tape inside (hinging the corners) could have bits of this'n'that trapped in it...

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I really love this piece. I wish I could see it in person. I think the rocks at the bottom also help to give the "house" portion a more ethereal quality. "safe as houses"? Or not?

I went to Brazil - Belem at the mouth of the Amazon - when I was young and have always been struck by the difference between the almost villa type houses on one end of the street where I stayed, and the houses on stilts over the swamp area at the other end of the street. your house reminds me of those in many ways.

When you mentioned that the mice from someone else's sculpture disappeared, do you mean people are taking them from the instalation site?

I love seeing your processes.