26 October 2015

Local show

The cafe round the corner, Boulangerie Bon Matin, has walls that cry out for pictures. This exhibition is by Joan Podel, who has lived in London for over a decade but hails from Manhattan. 
She makes woven paper collages - here are a couple (unfortunately with reflections) -

"Joan’s art journey began scouring the antique and flea markets in Manhattan, buying beautiful hand made rolls of old paper, and other quirky items such as necklines from old gowns that had been hand embroidered by skilled seamstresses in France.  She saved these special items for many years until one day, during a bout of depression, she had the idea of taking out all her saved and cherished items to create her art we see today. She began creating two collages, cut them by eye with a scissor and began weaving all the sliced and cut strips of paper to create her first body of work which is Woven Collages.   Each Woven Collage is an Original, no two can ever be the same." (via) 

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