07 February 2017

Drawing Tuesday - Petrie Museum

The cases in the Petrie Museum are crammed full -
 I started with one of the canopic jars (Hapy, the baboon-headed god, who looks after the lungs), using a wide-tipped calligraphy pen, which felt (and looks) all wrong. The hatching round the edges helps a bit -
 The colourful piece is a "fragment of cartonnage painted with a woman's face and wing" - 12th dynasty (1991-1783BC) -

Patterning in Janet B's "bread mould?"

Najlaa's array of amphora and other pots

Judith's tonal sepia

Carol found colour in the old glass

Joyce is working in two sketchbooks, using the coloured paper as a midtone

Michelle's deceptively simple shapes (shabti? "the workforce of the afterlife")

Relief carving by Sue
Extracurricular activities -
Najlaa's marbling on fabric

Carol has started drawing people, eg on public transport - she says this
wasn't something she could attempt until she got up to speed with drawing

Sue and Janet B had been to an evening drawing session at the Royal Veterinary College
 Technique of the week - collecting images for collage -
Using clear tape and images from magazines. Michelle used packing tape to cover the image, then soaked off the paper with warm water and rubbed so that only ink was left on the tape - the white areas of paper become transparent. Once dry, they can be stored on greaseproof paper till needed for collage.

Filling in the time before leaving to go elsewhere for the evening, I used leftover coffee to enhance the quick drawings that seemed to sink into the page without trace - the slight coloration of the background brought them to life -
 That's Imsety on the lid of a canopic jar (he's the human-headed god and looks after the liver), and here are the groupings of pots that made it to the page -

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