17 May 2014

Daily painting - evolution of the square canvas

Influences ... a roll of blue painter's tape, used to mask squares (very fiddly!) - a good colour with the orange, so I tried to match the paint. Adding swirls and mistyness and mostly covering the orange squares. Seeing some spiky plants from the bus and quickly photographing them. Note to self: look carefully the photograph, draw from it first, rather than trying to paint from memory.
The background has subtly changed colour several times, but the plants themselves are not as they should be. However, along with the idea of painting the plants in red-modulated-with-green, some yellow crept in, and that was entirely right, even if it gets mostly hidden.

There's at least another day's worth of painting on the plants, and then what's the next step - try the plants again ("fail again, fail better"), or try something different??


Petra said...

Wow,this is a blast from the past. We used to live here.

Cate Rose said...

Way to go, m!

irene macwilliam said...

Wow, the top 6 canvases make me feel so cheerful, love them