18 November 2010

Are you reading me?

"The flower project" started from seeing people sitting bored on the bus. Can they read the little messages in the window? One factor is the steamed-up windows -
Another is the size of the words - too small??
(That says: To. Be. Or.) The next series is being printed as large as possible.
But when the words are long, the letters are small - Two's. Company. Three's. was already printed out. Try again tomorrow!

Meanwhile the florabundance accumulates, and I sit and fold tulips - while listening to the Guerilla Gardening radio programme on the iPlayer -


Anonymous said...

Would they stand out more if the background was coloured? I'm loving the idea though!

beatrice De said...

In the Londons ' bus, I remember * des ombres chinoises*. It was an atmosphère !