01 November 2010

Print induction

On Wednesday the whole book arts group spent a couple of hours touring the print facilities, learning what was available and being reminded of how to use it (and what not to do). This is the screenprinting room, with its tables, drying racks, and screen storage. There's also an etching room, and a relief printing and lithography room.
At the start of term it all looks at its best - the technicians have been cleaning it up all summer.

I took a lot of notes - it's a lot of information, especially if you haven't done a lot of printmaking before. Best to concentrate on just one process, I think.

The letterpress department in the basement needs its own induction, next week -
Afterwards, some of us went to the Move: Choreographing You exhibition at the Hayward.

1 comment:

Kathleen Loomis said...

Sure looks like you're having fun! Can't wait till you tell us about the letterpress. That's my favorite kind of printing. I start hyperventilating just looking at the type cases.