16 August 2012

Being systematic

Today I'm getting to grips with all the "little things" that need finishing before the work goes up on the 21st and the assessment on the 28th. These little things have been procrastinated too long... and now I can report progress --
In the folder, work that will go in the "assessment heap" - in front, things for the exhibition, wearing their protective gear.

Being systematic means going through every folder, every box ... ah, if only I could ruthlessly throw away, now, what probably won't ever be needed again! But that sort of tidying (purging?) is for another time.

Things I had forgotten about, but made since February, ie in "Unit 2", have surfaced. The "ribbon books" and their development into the abandonned series of "Ghost Children" -
 Also while rummaging through "everything" I'm making various lists - including one of unfinished projects and things I'd like to take further, such as the Daily Lists project which got rather sidelined. Sometimes a sense of foreboding creeps in, as one thing after another gets finished -- is this the end? will I ever want to make books again? what will I do, once the course is over? -- so it's good to have these things to get back to. If the foreboding seems to be veering toward despair, I'll get out my diary and schedule in one or another of the projects - tuesday morning, ghost children, for example - in order to have something definite to do.

But that's all in the future and might not even happen! At the moment, it's one step at a time and one thing after another being ticked off the list. I'm really pleased to have "done something" with this bit of over-writing, one of the first -

It stalled because the pen dried up and I couldn't find the same pen anywhere, nor one near enough like it not to be noticeable. (Noticeable to me, at least...) So, just over four pages in (letter-sized pages), it stopped, and the finished pages floated  around for months. I do like the look of them, creamy paper and all, and was thinking of having them on a light box, but that isn't practical in the exhibition - so they'll be in the assessment heap instead. The folder is a large version of Alisa Golden's pocket folder; gluestick works fine on tracing paper (whereas the moisture in pva can make wrinkles).

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