08 February 2013

Mixed media textiles

Some homework for the "transform, change, disintegrate" course... This spate of activity was set off by the printer ink vanishing ... so I printed out with what was left, and again with the new ink -
Happy hours later, here is the result -

It consists of various found papers applied to both sides of plastic mesh (the mesh was among remnants in someone else's scrapbag) - and lots of freemotion machine stitching, from front and back, with black or white as a top thread and the opposite colour - or a different colour - in the bobbin -

The cross motif figures large - so does scribble, or as you might say - gestural marks. Surface treatments involved sandpapering the letters before and after stitching, tearing, puncturing with unthreaded machine and with bradawl, putting tissue over lettering and sanding that (it wears down the fold and crinkle lines first), and using thick thread in the bobbin.

I have more of this mesh and will try again...

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